Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our Natural Sleep Patterns

Further to my earlier discussion on working odd hours and being sleep deprived I located some interesting information on the subject and thought I'd share it with you all (summarising):


How to get your natural sleep pattern in sync

Our sleep patterns have been controlled by light and darkness for thousands of years. Our bodies are naturally fall asleep at dusk and wake at dawn. However, artificial light has interfered with these natural patterns and most of us sleep less than seven hours a night. We depend on artificial light and this worsens our normal association with day and night.

When our body is in sync with the natural order of day and night we feel the better for it. We are calmer, can focus better and have more energy. Also, when we surrender to our bodies' natural urge to sleep soon after dusk it results in us getting adequate sleep and we awake refreshed.

So are you feeling sleep deprived? I sure know I am! Are your sleep patterns out of wack and do you think any of these tips will help you get back on track? Let me know.... providing you're not snoozing of course.

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