Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Will I tell the Taxman that I bartered today? - A Labour of Love

It was so nice to finally have the laundry door fixed today, even if it is only temporary. It had been broken for months, a bi-fold, and unfortunately I use it every single day to lock the cats in the laundry at night. If I don't they pay no attention to where their kitty litter is and make deposits around the house - usually in my bedroom! So you can see why I need the door.

Well a lovely man that I did a small job for came and fixed it for me today, although he's gotta come back and finish the job. Somehow, it's so much nicer than writing an invoice for someone, bartering I mean. I know him well, he's almost like a dad or gran-dad, the sweetest man, member of my church. I really enjoyed telling him he didn't have to pay me but instead would he just fix my door. He was thrilled.

I think to reconcile it with the taxman I'm will just have to say that both 'jobs' were just a labour of love.

So have you done any bartering lately? Or perhaps you got a labour of love you would like to share? I would love to hear about it.

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