Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Blog is Read Across the World

Wow! Isn't it just amazing? I just checked the stats on my new blog and it's already being read across the world in the USA and Malysia. A big "Hello!" to all of you over there. I bet it's cold in the US at the moment. I spoke to a friend who lives in New York just yesterday, and he told me he has to get up at 4.30am to shovel the snow away so he can get to work. "Brrrrrrr!" is what I say. Although we have had floods in Qld and Vic, which is where I am from, I have been fortunate not to have had them here. They had some flooding 10 mins from here but that has quickly disapated - thank God. So to you all in the US I truly sympathise if you're getting up that early to shovel snow - put plenty of winter woolies on. I'm guessing the weather in Malysia isn't too bad at the moment with you being closer to the equator (I'm too lazy to google it). Oh well, back to work for me - still continually improving my website: Let me know how the weather is in your part of the world - or anything else you find that's interesting to chat about. I love connecting with people. Bye for now. Jennifer Slater

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