Monday, January 17, 2011

Need Computer Repairs?

I recently had major problems with my PC so I headed down to Yarra J0unction and visited my mate, Tim, at Tritan Media. He fixed my hardware problem in no time, as he usually does; he's pretty smick with most things, software as well. Check him out: 

So how's your computer doing? What's the main problem you have? My main problem is the speed, it slows down and I'm not sure why - I think there could be a gremlin living in it. Oh, another problem is that I always seem to find more software that I want but can't necessarily afford. Doh! Let me know how your little package of metal that speaks in 1's and 0's is going.


  1. Thanks a lot for this kindness. You did really great deed to share your experience. So, we could solve our problems easily. Once again bundle of thanks.
