Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Need Sleep and it's Microsoft Word 2007's 'developer' tool's fault!!! - Do you need help creating a form with protected and unprotected fields in it?

I just worked on an almost impossible job for a client - it took me over 12hrs to complete - I've been up all night working on it 'til 7am - it should have only taken 30 minutes to an hour tops!

Have you ever tried to create a form for a client, or yourself, using the 'developer' tab? I bet most of you don't even know what I'm talking about. I don't think you are stupid for not knowing, I'm certainly not stupid myself. It's because Microsoft have hidden it so well within the program, that unless you know it's there you would never find it. Not only that, once you do find it, the options it offers aren't that 'user friendly'. Try figuring out how to 'unprotect' a document once you've protected it - I had to google it to find out - oh, and that's another thing, where's the 'help' option in Word 2007? I still can't find it - every problem I had, I had to google it to find a solution. So if you know the answer to that one, please let me know.

About ten years ago I worked in IT improving the computer software for Australian Air Express. Part of my job was to make the software more user friendly, suggest changes to the software applications etc.. I am convinced that I should get a job with Microsoft doing the same thing. I could make bucket loads of money!!! I've never complained about software ever, until now. Let me state it officially: I think the software program in Microsoft Word 2007 that allows you to create protected forms using the 'developer' tool sucks! 

If anyone needs any help with this part of the program please don't hesitate to ask me - I'm an expert NOW!!!  I'm also curious to know just how many other people are having, or had, the same problem(s) - I feel for you, I really feel for you. 

Now for some well earned sleep.

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