Monday, January 17, 2011

Life - Comedy or Tragedy?

Unknown-2 We've all seen the Comedy and Tragedy masks but do any of us know its origin? They come for the ancient Greeks and were used in their theatrical exploits. Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ the ancient Greeks would use the masks in ceremonies leading up to a theatrical festival. In the evening many men would roam the streets singing fun songs called 'comoedia' which is where the word 'comedy' came from. The sad songs sung by the satyrs were called 'tragoedia' giving us the origin of the word 'tragedy'.  Masks were a prominent part of Greek theatre so it was inevitable that masks depicting these two elements would be created.

Both masks give us a sense that things are out of order or out of control. In the case of Comedy it appears that only the subject is laughing. There is the sense that wickedness, tomfoolery or something inappropriate has taken place in order to for him laugh and, conversely, tragedy speaks of something upsetting the subject or something not going to plan, causing anguish.

When I look at this through Christian eyes I see life as it is for many of us on a daily basis. Some things happen in life that some see as amusing while others can anguish over the same thing. Some relish the thought of a challenge, while other cringe. Some triumph in a crisis, while others crumble. There is always more than one way to look at a situation; there are at least two ways - one positively and the other negatively.

If we can just grasp the concept that Jesus has nothing but good intentions for our lives; if we would just learn to trust him impeccably, regardless of the circumstance, we would find a freedom that is beyond compare. When we 'rest' in Jesus; when we hand it all over to our Lord; when we truly surrender, it is in this place that we will find peace. By finding this peace we are distancing ourselves from the torment, the 'tragoedia', and allowing God to do a work in us on a supernatural level.

'Cast all your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.'
                                                                                                                                         Psalm 55:22

How is your current situation? Is it time to through out the 'masks' and hand over your worries? Sometimes a good ear is all it takes. God must have two fantastic ears with all the traffic they get. Let me know how you're really doing, or better still, let God know. 

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