Saturday, January 22, 2011

Updated Website


The new and improved website for Jen Slater Mobile Office is finally here! 
We think it is heads and shoulders above the old site - much more informative and 'user friendly' with several new forms such as a
 'quote form', general 'enquiry form',
 'free consultation' and 'feedback form'. It still has exactly the same web address: but the content has been fully updated and improved. 

We have included a more indepth run-down of all our services and products making it easier for our customers to both choose and book an assignment. We have also including an automatic 'booking form' for our customers to make a direct booking for a service online.

Customers are now encouraged to leave 'testimonies' on the site for our visitors to read and there is now an option for them to 'tell a friend' about our business and our highly regarded services and products.

So be sure to check it out. I'd love to hear from you letting me know what you think. Please leave a comment here, or on the new website.

 Thanks and kindest regards,
 Jennifer Slater.

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